Hi there! I'm Kasey Leigh and I'm so excited to help you on your wellness journey!

I am a certified nutrition coach, EFT practitioner and Reiki practitioner. I understand that while wellness is largely affected by why we eat and how we exercise, the foundation of our lifestyle lies in our mindset.

It took years for me to overcome obesity. I hired the top personal trainers and nutritionists in the industry, just to watch myself fail time and again.

Everything changed for me when I learned how to master my mindset, and pair it with healthy, sustainable lifestyle choices.

My weight and body image issues began in the second grade. I had joined the cheerleading team, but was told they didn't carry uniforms in my "size". I started dieting and exercising to lose weight - yes, at age 7! And ended up on the softball team instead.

My life quickly became a rollercoaster of yo-yo dieting - following a strict plan "perfectly" followed by bingeing uncontrollably in rebellion.

My body image was in the gutter - and every time I binged, or "failed" on my diet, or gained half a pound, I would beat myself up even more. Eventually I didn't feel good about my body ever - not even when preparing for a bodybuilding competition!

As life went on, I continued to deal with my emotions through binge eating. My body image, self-esteem and metabolism continued to decline. I was desperate for a solution to my weight problem and exhausted from obsessing over food and my body.

Despite the tens of thousands of dollars I spent on training, diets, and supplements over the years, I couldn't seem to have any success that would stick. I would see some success, but was never able to maintain my progress.

That all changed when I learned how to master my mindset - and how to create a healthy lifestyle that works for me, not someone else's idea of "healthy." I became a certified nutrition coach, and became a certified EFT and reiki practitioner where I focus on shifting mindset and self-limiting beliefs.

My goal is to help you put your weight struggles behind you - once and for all. On our journey together, I will give you all the tools you need to create a healthy, balanced lifestyle that works for YOU - a lifestyle that energizes you, and that adds to your joy, not one that deprives you of it.

Empowering Your Path to Wellness

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